Diamond remains a stable and good investment! | BNT Diamonds
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Diamond remains a stable and good investment!

15 Jul 21
  • Stability of diamond as an investment
  • Invest in diamond
  • Knowledge
  • Focus and time
  • Common sense and the experts of BNT Diamonds

Not only in times of financial crisis, but also now most financial experts recommend investing a substantial share of the investment portfolio in fixed assets. In addition, diamond is still a reputable, sustainable and good investment.

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Stability of diamond as an investment

The financial system has experienced some strong evolutions over the past centuries. From trade to silver and gold coins to paper money and recently electronic money. Since the arrival of paper money, this kind of payment lost its intrinsic value.

The exchange system is no longer up to date but we can learn from the history of diverse –turbulent- financial markets and the inflation and deflation of all coins. Both gold, silver, precious stones and diamonds have steadily increased in value over time, leading to a sustainable and good investment. This increase has been very stable compared with the stock market and the foreign exchange market. Diamonds keep the human mind interested and have a great intrinsic and emotional value.

Imagine, if both paper money as natural raw materials and diamonds would lose their value, the raw materials would still have a material value and diamonds a big esthetical value. A bank card, paper money or stock certificate will then become worthless.

Invest in diamond

Those who want to make a good investment, should be well aware of a number of crucial factors that can help you: knowledge, focus, time, memory and common sense.


Knowledge is crucial before, during and after the investment process. It is important to understand which route the diamond makes from the earth’s surface to the market. This way, price evolutions can be better understood. Whoever wants to make a good investment and wants a better understanding of crystal formation, shapes and colours, better explores the different rock types and formations.

Anyone who wants to estimate a diamond’s or precious stones’ value must have a strong knowledge of colours. Subtle differences in colour can drastically influence the price. The ability to distinguish clarity to colour based on the hue, tone and saturation can help you to buy high quality.

Focus and time

The faster the focus on a particular type of investment diamond, the more interesting and valuable the collection will be. In addition, it is also very important to invest at the right time. Certain types of diamonds from current mines that are well known are generally less valuable. Investing in diamonds from a new mine or region may be risky, but may also be a good investment in the long term.

Common sense and the experts of BNT Diamonds

Whoever that wants to invest in diamond does not only need knowledge, focus and time, but also courage and ambition. Investing is always a big risk and can be very pleasant when the calculated risks are in your favour.

When investing in diamond, it is advisable to rely on a partner who has technical knowledge, financial knowledge and market knowledge. The experts of BNT Diamonds always offer objective advice to interested investors. Anyone that is looking for a good investment, can contact us without obligation.

Fabienne Rauw
About Fabienne Rauw
BNT Diamonds Antwerp

Fabienne, manager of the German market is able to guide every client with finding the right jewel. She takes care of most of the German orders, but also takes other task on her plate. Thanks to her six years of experience at BNT Diamonds she acquainted well with the product and the marketing around it. Her degree in PR ensures that BNT Diamonds is well presented across all media channels. For anyone looking into a new investment opportunity, Fabienne is the perfect guide in this process. No question will be left unanswered, and she will help you every step of the way.

With this article, BNT Diamonds strives to inform you thoroughly about investing in diamonds. No investment can be guaranteed to be without risk or fully according to your expectations. That is why we recommend to research the risks and aspects of investing in diamond properly to ensure that you make the right choice for your portfolio.