Current market update for potential investors | BNT Diamonds
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Current market update for potential investors


Timing is crucial for maximizing profits in any investment. In our ever-changing world, understanding the current market situation is vital, especially in the exclusive diamond market. Our experts are here to keep you informed about the latest developments and help you choose the perfect moment to invest in diamonds.

Present market opportunities for natural investment diamonds

Recently the higher segment of natural diamonds has been facing a downward trend in prices. What are the reasons for this current (temporary) downward price trend of the high segment natural diamonds?

The ripple effect

Ripple effect is a recurring phenomenon in the diamond industry, driven by the trading mentality throughout the supply chain. From sourcing at the mines to delivery to jewellery manufacturers, each stage exhibits a reactive approach. Over a cycle of 3-4 years, rising prices prompt speculative buying, leading to increased stock levels. Eventually, banks intervene, pushing sellers to offload their overstock, causing temporary price drops. These fluctuations are corrections of overstock rather than indicators of long-term trends. Such periods offer strategic opportunities to invest in diamonds at lower prices, making it an ideal time for investment.

Diamond index

If you compare the Polished Diamond Index of 2022 to that of 2024, you will observe a drop especially in the higher segment of natural investment diamonds, but our prediction is that this specific segment will be recovering on a rising curve. We saw the same thing after the financial crisis of 2008.

In 2023 and beginning 2024, the higher segment of natural diamonds experiences a downward trend in prices. This situation can be described as a classic ripple effect in the diamond industry, with no direct link to current worldwide economic factors.

Polished Diamond Index Source: Idex

Net import

During and post-Covid, the demand for high quality investment diamonds surged, leading to higher rough diamond prices. Major players in the diamond market speculated and bought high stock amounts, anticipating higher profits. Moreover, the demand for investment diamonds declined after Covid, coupled with the energy crisis of 2022 triggered by the Ukraine war. This led to overstock and slower stock rotations with diamond companies which is an unhealthy and unwanted situation for every company. As a consequence in 2023 banks were pushing to sell more to neutralize the high stock volumes. So the earlier “stock speculation” has led to a current temporary oversupply on the polished diamond market, generating a downward pressure on the prices of investment diamond.

Net import of rough diamonds in India and net export of polished diamonds from India, $ millions
Source: Bain & Company - The Global Diamond Industry 2021–22

Meanwhile, India, the major player in the diamond polishing industry, has taken various measures to counteract this temporary “overstocking”, by planning to pause or reduce imports of new natural high-quality diamonds, to reduce the availability of polished diamonds.

Moreover when looking ahead on the long term, the supply of natural rough diamonds is expected to trend downwards, particularly for higher qualities, creating an anticipated shortage. No major new mines are in the pipeline, and minimal investment has been made in exploration for over 25 years. The closure of older mines, like the Argyle mine, has contributed to further diamond scarcity.

In summary, the temporary oversupply will be “corrected”, thus prices are expected to stabilize and to start raising again in the nearby future. Our assessment, which reflects the consensus within the industry, is that we have reached the floor and that it is a matter of time that the structural upward correction will happen. So this drop offers opportunities to investors to increase their return.

Conclusion: interesting time to invest

Based on our industry insights, there are reasons to believe that investing today in high quality natural diamonds is opportune.