We all know that diamonds are unearthed at mines. But when buying these diamonds, do we ask ourselves how life at a mine unfolds? In the following paragraphs, we will try and give you an idea.
Richard LeBretons works in one of the most unique and remote locations in the world: a diamond mine on an isolated island, 200 kilometres to the south of the Arctic Circle. During wintertime, temperatures fluctuate around – 40° Celsius. A dream location for a geotechnical engineer like Richard, but for your typical investor a true mystery when buying diamonds.
The Diavik diamond mine is part of Rio Tinto, a London based company that specialises in copper, aluminium, iron ore, coal and diamond mines worldwide. The mine is operated by a joint venture between Diavik Diamond Mines Inc. and Harry Winston Diamond Lmtd Partnership, who both have a headquarters in Yellowknife. Mainly subterranean diamonds are mined at Diavik. Yearly, approximately 6 million carat is quarried.