Large and unusual diamonds have been increasingly gracing auctions over the past years, with exceptional diamonds being found more often all around the world. Their quality might not always be of the highest investment value, but they do hold great scientific value. How can diamond quality help science? What can we learn from diamonds? Find out below.
What can I do to protect my diamond investment?
One of the most important factors when investing in physical commodities is safekeeping. Your diamond investment is a valuable asset, and thieves know it as well. Which steps can I take to protect my valuables and heirlooms?
Thanks to which initiatives can I buy a sustainable diamond in Antwerp?
Sustainability becomes more and more important on an international base. Every sector is taking steps and the global governments are keeping an eye on global change. Of course, the diamond sector could not miss this boat and is also contributing to this story.
Portrait of an industry & the art of purchasing a diamond online
“Diamonds are forever”, a very clever marketing campaign that was launched in the US a few decades ago to convince consumers that diamonds are the perfect gift.
Investing in diamonds: beware of “fake diamonds”
Synthetic diamonds are not really fake diamonds. They consist of carbon after all, squished together under high pressure and high temperature. Unlike real diamonds however, that took millions of years to form in nature, synthetic diamonds only take a few days to produce. Synthetic diamonds cannot be distinguished from real diamonds with the naked eye, but real diamonds 30% more valuable than synthetic ones.
How easily can I sell my investment in loose diamonds?
By now, you probably know that investment diamonds are a valuable diversification of your portfolio. However, sceptics question a diamond investment’s liquidity. Where do those doubts originate? What can I do to buy an easily liquidated diamond?