The colour and thus the price of a diamond is determined by the extent to which the diamond’s colour differs from completely colourless. Light yellow is one of the most common colour tones in diamonds. The GIA colour scale is used to express the colour.
How to choose a coloured investment diamond?
Always start with the budget you have available. Based on a fixed budget (ex. € 5.000), you can make the choice to invest in one diamond of € 5.000 or two diamonds of € 2.500 each.
Why should I buy coloured diamonds?
Everyone is familiar with the classic, white diamond. People generally do not look at coloured diamonds, which is a shame. This gemstone is a variation on a white diamond (which is actually colourless) and is extremely rare.
Why should I buy coloured diamonds for my portfolio?
Pink diamonds are the rarest in the world and therefore also the most expensive. Experts expect the value of coloured diamonds to continue to rise during the forthcoming years, so it would definitely be a smart investment. How can I make such an investment on a smaller scale? How do they respond to the market?
Are coloured diamonds a good investment?
People used gold, silver, and precious stones as a payment method for goods and services in the past. In the 13th century, the concept of paper money was introduced in Europe, but real banknotes only appeared in the 17th century. Today, money is nothing more than a number on a computer so, many wonder what our money is really worth.
Why you should consider buying a black diamond investment
Everyone knows the classic, colourless diamond. Most people are also familiar with yellow and pink diamonds, but did you know there are brown, green, blue, and even black diamonds? The black diamonds are rather special because they’re fully opaque, unlike all other colours. So what else makes black diamonds so unique, and when should you make a black diamond investment? Keep reading to find out.